Fixing Up Your House

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Fixing Up Your House

When we first purchased our home, I could tell that there were a few things we needed to change immediately. The entire flow of the house was a little cramped, and the finishes were outright terrible. I knew that we needed to do something right away, so we started working with a team of professional remodeling contractors who could help. After we talked with them about what we wanted, they started working right away to make things right. It was amazing to see how much of a difference a little work made, and I was really impressed with how much better the space felt. Check out this blog for great information about remodeling.


Supplies You Can Stock Up On Early In Your Kitchen Remodel

24 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The process of remodeling a kitchen can be long and demanding, especially if you do a lot of the work yourself. One way to simplify the process is to get lots of little tasks over with in the beginning so you don't have to struggle with them repeatedly as you work. For instance, it is often wise to stock up on certain commonly used kitchen remodeling supplies before you really dig into the remodel. Read More …

Should All Your Kitchen Cabinets Be One Color?

29 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The colors of your kitchen cabinets will have a huge impact on their appearance. So, should your cabinets be one color or two? The answer depends on your particular kitchen and your goals for it.  To help you decide what's right for you, here are three color palette scenarios and how they add to the right kitchen. 1. All Cabinets One Color   A single color on all your cabinets — upper, lower, and island — makes things simple and cost-effective. Read More …

Flush With Style: Tips For Remodeling Your Toilet

23 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Remodeling your bathroom is an opportunity to add a touch of style and functionality to one of the most essential rooms in your home. From sleek modern designs to classic aesthetics, a well-designed toilet can elevate the overall look and feel of your bathroom. Here are a few ways you can pay more attention to your toilet during your remodel. Toilet Design You might not realize it, but toilets come in many different styles. Read More …

Choosing The Right Contractor For Your Home Remodeling: Essential Tips And Questions To Ask

30 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Beginning a home remodel is a significant undertaking. Whether you're contemplating a kitchen remodel or planning a complete home bath remodel, selecting the right service is crucial for a successful project. The chosen contractor plays a decisive role, with the project's quality, timeliness, and overall success resting on their shoulders. With an abundance of remodeling contractors available, the task of selecting the best one may appear overwhelming. However, this detailed guide will simplify the process and lead you to the perfect match for any renovation project. Read More …

More Than Looks: Other Benefits Of A Bathroom Remodel

19 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

People often remodel their bathroom because it has begun to look outdated and they want to give it a fresh, new look. This is reason enough for a remodel. But if you're not sold on remodeling your bathroom based on looks alone, you should know that there are also other benefits that come with having this work done. Here are a few of them. You'll be exposed to less mold and grime. Read More …